Reds and blues

Misfits in the Night.

In the night café, where the neon lights glow, 
There are misfits and waifs and strays, don't you know?
They come in seeking shelter from the cold,
Their stories are many, some new and some old.

There's a man in the corner with a hat on his head,
He looks like he's lost and his face is full of dread,
He's been walking for hours, with nowhere to go,
But in this café, he's found some respite, you know.

Next to him is a woman with tattoos and piercings,
She's got a wild look in her eyes, but no misgivings,
She's lived life on the edge, never playing it safe,
But in this café, she's found her own kind of grace.

There's a young girl at the counter, with a book in her hand, She's been kicked out of her home, for not following their plan,
She's looking for a new start, a place to belong,
And in this café, she's found her own song.

In the back, there's an old man, with a cane by his side,
He's been around for decades, and seen the world collide,
He's got stories to tell, of love and of loss,
And in this café, he finds a willing audience.

The Night Café is a place where misfits come together,
And even though they're all different, they share one weather,
They've been through the storms, and they've weathered the rain, But in this café, they've found a new sense of gain.

So if you're feeling lost, or if you're feeling low,
Come to the Night Café, and let your spirit glow,
You'll find a welcome home, among the waifs and strays,
And together, you'll make a beat that truly sways.

NightCafé blues

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