The Timeless Companion: Celebrating the Self in Daily Life

What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

“The self is the only vessel that weathers all storms of time; it is our oldest possession and our most reliable tool in the journey of life.” Bing Copilot

Limerick: There once was a self so well-worn, Through life’s trials, it was slightly torn. Yet each day it stood, Doing all that it could, With a spirit that never was shorn.

The Self's Soliloquy

In quietude, my oldest friend speaks clear,
A whisper from the dawn of my own time.
Through every joy and each falling tear,
It's been the constant in life's steep climb.

This self, my core, the essence that is 'I',
Has weathered storms and basked in sunny days.
In youth's bright morn and as the years go by,
It's shaped the path and walked in myriad ways.

Each wrinkle etched upon this visage worn,
Is but a mark of wisdom gained, not lost.
For in this self, new dreams are daily born,
And none can tally up the final cost.

So cherish well this self that's truly thine,
A treasure that with age does but refine.

Song Suggestion: “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson – This song encourages self-reflection and personal change, resonating with the idea of engaging with and using our ‘self’ every day.

Images inspired by Yayoi Kusama created with Bing Copilot Designer AI

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